Editorial Policy

The purpose of this editorial policy is to ensure that Atlas Mythica consistently provides well-researched, accurate, and insightful content on mythology, folklore, and religion, adhering to the highest academic standards.

Scope of Content

Atlas Mythica covers a broad spectrum of topics related to mythology, folklore, and religion from across the globe, embracing both ancient and contemporary subjects. This encapsulation ensures our readership receives a comprehensive understanding of the myths and stories that have shaped societies for millennia. Specifically:

a. Mythology: Content in this category delves into the legends, tales, and myths that have shaped various cultures. This includes analyses of mythological figures, archetypes, cosmogonies, and eschatologies. We aim to present both the story itself and its cultural, historical, and philosophical implications.

b. Folklore: Our publication offers insights into the tales, customs, and traditions passed down orally from one generation to the next. This encompasses folktales, legends, fairy tales, customs, and superstitions. By examining folklore, we can uncover societal values, fears, and aspirations often encapsulated in these stories.

c. Religion: Atlas Mythica addresses formal religious beliefs, rituals, and institutions. Coverage in this category will range from the practices and doctrines of major world religions to lesser-known sects and spiritual traditions. We will explore sacred texts, religious rites, theological concepts, and the historical evolution of various faiths.

d. Comparative Studies: Occasionally, content will draw parallels between myths, folklore, and religious tales from different cultures or time periods, highlighting common human themes and differing cultural expressions.

e. Intersections with History and Literature: Recognizing that mythology, folklore, and religion often overlap with historical events and literary creations, some content will explore this interplay, examining how myths have influenced historical decisions or been represented in classical and modern literature.

f. Modern Interpretations and Adaptations: As myths and legends evolve, they find new life in modern culture – from cinema to literature to art. We will occasionally analyze these modern adaptations and reinterpretations to understand how ancient tales continue to shape and resonate in today’s world.

Credentials of Contributors

Atlas Mythica holds itself to the highest standards of scholarship and intellectual inquiry. To ensure that our content is both accurate and enlightening, we mandate that all our contributors possess substantial academic expertise and recognition in their respective fields. Here’s a more detailed breakdown:

a. Educational Background: – Contributors to Atlas Mythica generally have PhD’s or degrees in history, literature, or a closely allied discipline that relates directly to the study of mythology, folklore, or religion.

b. Commitment to Ethical Scholarship: – All contributors must adhere to the principles of academic integrity, ensuring that their submissions are original, well-researched, and free from any form of plagiarism. – Contributors should be open to constructive critique during the peer-review process and be willing to revise and refine their content as necessary.

Research and Source Standards

Atlas Mythica is committed to publishing content grounded in robust scholarly research. To achieve this, we’ve delineated a rigorous set of guidelines that address the sourcing and presentation of information. These guidelines ensure that our content is both reliable and verifiable:

a. Types of Sources: – Primary Sources: These are firsthand accounts, original documents, or raw data directly related to the subject of study. For mythology, folklore, and religion, primary sources can range from ancient manuscripts, inscriptions, and scrolls to oral traditions or firsthand observations of rituals. – Secondary Sources: Scholarly books, articles, and research papers that interpret or analyze primary sources. These must come from academically recognized publishers, institutions, or scholars renowned in their fields.

b. Source Verification: – All sources, especially primary ones, must be verified for authenticity. This ensures the content is based on genuine materials and not forgeries, misinterpretations, or hoaxes. – When using translated materials, preference should be given to translations recognized for their accuracy and fidelity to the original.

c. Citation Standards: – Every piece of information drawn from an external source should be properly cited. This not only gives credit to the original authors but also allows readers to trace the origins of the information.

d. Use of Contemporary Scholarship: – While ancient and traditional sources form the backbone of our content, the interpretation and understanding of these sources should be informed by contemporary scholarship. This ensures a balanced view that respects both tradition and modern insights. – Peer-reviewed articles, academic conferences, and recent publications are essential to stay updated and incorporate the latest research findings.

e. Avoidance of Unverified or Speculative Sources: – Sources without clear origins, or those that rely heavily on speculation without substantial evidence, should be avoided. – If a source’s reliability is debated within the academic community, this controversy should be acknowledged in the content, presenting multiple perspectives if necessary.

f. Diverse Perspectives: – Recognizing that interpretation can vary, especially in subjects like mythology and religion, contributors should strive to represent a range of scholarly perspectives on contentious topics. This holistic approach offers readers a fuller understanding. – When discussing subjects that span multiple cultures or time periods, sourcing from diverse geographical and temporal origins is crucial to avoid a unidimensional or biased view.

g. Digital and Multimedia Sources: – With the increasing digitization of resources, contributors can utilize online repositories, digital libraries, and databases. However, these must be from reputable institutions or organizations. – When referencing multimedia like documentaries, podcasts, or interviews, the content must be produced or endorsed by recognized experts in the field.

Accuracy and Integrity

a. All content should be presented accurately, without exaggeration or misinterpretation.
b. Any speculative content or theories should be clearly identified as such and supported with appropriate reasoning or evidence.

Neutrality and Respect

a. All content should approach topics from a neutral standpoint, avoiding bias or subjective interpretations unless it’s a recognized academic perspective.
b. Respect for all cultures and beliefs is paramount. Content should not demean, ridicule, or misrepresent any belief system.

Review Process

a. Before publication, all articles will undergo a rigorous peer review by at least two other contributors or designated editorial board members to ensure accuracy, depth, and adherence to the policy.
b. Feedback from the review process should be constructively relayed to the author for necessary revisions.


All content should be original and any direct quotations or close paraphrasings from sources must be properly cited. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and any contributor found guilty may be barred from future contributions.

Corrections and Retractions

a. Atlas Mythica commits to correcting any factual inaccuracies that may arise post-publication. Corrections will be made transparently, noting both the error and the correction.
b. In cases of serious factual inaccuracies or ethical concerns, a retraction may be issued, with a clear statement explaining the reasons for the retraction.

Engagement with Readers

Atlas Mythica values its readership and recognizes the importance of fostering an open and dynamic dialogue with its audience. Engaging with our readers not only enhances the publication’s relevance and reach but also allows for the continuous enrichment and evolution of our content. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of our engagement guidelines:

a. Feedback Channels: – Atlas Mythica will maintain dedicated channels for readers to share feedback, ask questions, or raise concerns. This includes comment sections under articles, contact forms, and dedicated email addresses. – We encourage readers to share their insights, offer alternative perspectives, or suggest topics of interest.

b. Moderation: – To maintain a respectful and constructive environment, all comments and feedback will undergo moderation. While we encourage diverse viewpoints, any comments deemed offensive, irrelevant, or spammy will be filtered out. – Moderators will be trained to approach their roles with fairness, ensuring that genuine, well-intentioned feedback, even if critical, remains visible.

c. Timely Responses: – Atlas Mythica commits to addressing feedback in a timely manner. Questions or concerns raised by readers will receive a response within a specified timeframe, either directly from the editorial team or the article’s author. – We recognize the importance of acknowledging reader input, and as such, dedicated community managers or editorial members will be assigned to manage and respond to reader interactions.

d. Incorporating Feedback: – Constructive feedback that highlights inaccuracies, offers alternative interpretations, or suggests improvements will be taken seriously. Necessary corrections or updates to articles will be made transparently, with acknowledgments where appropriate. – Feedback may also influence future content decisions, including the exploration of new topics or deep dives into areas of particular reader interest.

e. Transparency: – When articles are updated or corrected based on reader feedback, changes will be made transparently. If major revisions are necessary, a note will be appended to the article detailing the changes and the reasons behind them. – Atlas Mythica believes in the principle of accountability, and as such, any editorial decisions made in response to feedback will be communicated clearly to the readership.

Continuous Improvement

The editorial board will review this policy annually and make revisions as deemed necessary to maintain the highest standards of academic rigor and integrity.


Atlas Mythica is dedicated to furthering knowledge and appreciation of the rich tapestry of myths, folklore, and religious beliefs that have shaped human history and culture. We uphold the highest standards in our publications, and this policy ensures that we remain a trusted and authoritative source in these fields.

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